Actually just out in the country alone. (No town)
My mother was baptized here.
Gracie and Brody (the other little boy, Jaxon, died a couple
days after birth.
I returned last Friday from an enjoyable few days on the farm at Brunswick, MO. That is where I was born and raised until I came to Conception. I still have a number of relatives who live around there. My only living brother, who lives in Kansas City, owns a farm there and keeps a mobile home on it so he lets me use that every time I go there. I also have one nephew who lives on a farm nearby and a sister in law who lives on a nearby farm. It's always a good place for me to relax and get caught up on sleep, while at the same time going to visit relatives and friends.
On the weekend I was there I was assigned to go to two nearby parishes to celebrate Masses. Celebrated one Mass on Saturday evening and then three on Sunday morning. Two at each parish, Brookfield, MO and Marceline, MO.
Many monks seem to be gone right now as they are trying to get in some days of vacation before school begins. As this is the last week of July that is not far off.
While at home I got to visit one evening with my triplet great grand nephew and nieces, and also with many other nephews and nieces and relatives. We had rain many days and it was usually very hot and humid because of the rain.
Until the next time, God bless you all.