The temperature is up in the mid-seventies today. Yesterday was also a warm day. So some people are out putting in some garden etc. When I was a youngster out on our farm we used to plant potatoes sometime around St. Patrick's day so I think some are out today planting potatoes. After this winter it is just good to have some nicer weather. During the winter months Todd Coffman, one of our lay workers, and Brother Placid were building new picnic tables. They built twelve of them just like the ones pictured above. They should wonderful for picnics as they are long enough to hold four or five people on each side. Before long we will be using them.
Yesterday I attended a funeral of one of our long time oblates, Mary Gallagher. She lived in the Ravenwood area but belonged to the parish at Maryville. About three years ago she made it known that she wanted me as well as Father Regis to concelebrate at her funeral and Brother Justin to be cantor. Father Regis of course is already deceased, but Brother Justin and I did go over for the funeral. Mary's husband John died in 1991 and since then she and one of her sons had continued to live on their farm. As long as she was able she always came to our oblate retreats here at Conception.
This Friday and Saturday the Seminary Board of Regents meet here. That means a number of bishops, vocation directors and others will be here from tomorrow until Saturday noon or so. In fact some are arriving today so they can visit with their seminarians.
For those who do not read my oblate blog which is on the Conception Abbey web site, the oblates have just completed purchasing bibles for each of our guest rooms in the guest houses. It is a nice addition and we hope they will be used much. To go to the oblate blog, click on the "Conception Abbey" link at the top of this page, then click on oblates on left side of the page and finally click on "oblate blog."