Friday, May 16, 2008

Ordination to diaconate

On Thursday, May 15, Brother Pachomius Meade, O.S.B. was ordained to the diaconate as he continues preparation for ordination to the priesthood. Bishop Robert Finn, from our own diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph was the ordaining bishop. Pictured after the ordination are from left to right: Bishop Finn,
Mr. Tom Meade, father of Brother Pachomius, Brother Pachomius, Mrs. Karen Meade, mother of Brother and on the right, Abbot Gregory. The monks who are working in parishes or missions were home for the occasion since they were home for our annual retreat. (The photo is courtesy of Jarrod Thome, communications director of Conception Abbey and Seminary College)
On Friday morning, May 16, we had our community Mass at 7:15 AM to conclude our retreat. After Mass and breakfast the monks on mission pretty well left for their various assignments. Other monks too will be leaving for vacation days and other assignments.
We have actually gone a number of days now without any rain and it is gradually warming up. Hopefully farmers will be able to get into the fields to get their crops planted.
Yesterday too, May 15, was the one year anniversary of my open heart surgery. I remember that day very well. All seems to be going well now for which I am grateful.
A lot of tree trimming has been going on here this week. The ice storm last December did a lot of damage to the trees. This week we rented a "cherry picker" to get up to the top of the trees to clean out dead and broken branches.

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