on and I just haven't had a chance to sit down and write. That being said I will try to bring you up to date.
The weekends of May 15-16 and May 22-23, I was at my home parish at Brunswick, MO to celebrate the weekend Masses. That is quite a distance to drive and then after celebrating four Masses I am pretty tired. So I usually ask the Abbot to stay over until Monday morning before I drive back. He readily gave me permission so that helped and I got to visit with my family while by doing that. Fortunately it also gave me a
The one little girl in the picture above was asleep so I didn't want to wake her.
We had our community retreat the week after school was out. It was given by Father Ronald Witherup, P.S.S. a Sulpician. Father is from the U.S.A., but is the Superior General of the Sulpicians and their headquarters are in Paris so that is where he lives now. His retreat was on the theme of Paul and Benedict: The Christ-Centered Life. It was very interesting and very helpful.
This past weekend, May 29-30, is the first weekend in May that I have not been out in a parish.
On Friday evening I attended the ordinations to the diaconate at Omaha, Nebraska. Two of our alumni were ordained deacons and will be ordained priests in another year -- Andy Syring and Kevin Vogel. I spend the night in Omaha and came home Saturday. Today on Sunday I had the Mass at Clyde for the Sisters at 11:00 AM. Next weekend I have Mass at Clyde on Saturday and then at Our Lady of Guadalupe in St. Joseph on Sunday morning.
We try to have a member of the community present for the ordination to the diaconate and priesthood for our alumni. This time of year that keeps us busy as many ordinations are in late May and early June.
We are working trying to landscape and get grass started around the St. Stephen Health Care Center. All through the spring it was so wet that we could not work out there. Finally we have been able to prepare the ground and sow the grass seed. We have also put some flowers outside and yesterday I added a bird feeder or two.
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