Friday, September 18, 2009

Progress on Renovation of Infirmary

Renovation on the 2nd floor of the infirmary.
On the left side is the nurses station.

2nd floor renovation

This very brief movie shows the renovation of
the sun porch. Primarily larger windows.

The infirmary renovation continues to go forward. We still hope to be able to move back there before Christmas. It will be a big change. The entire building will be central air-conditioned and heated. Each room with have available computer connection, antenna for T.V. and telephone availability. Maybe I will be able to move in when it is completed. I doubt that time has come yet.

This very brief movie shows the new main
entrance on the south side of the infirmary

We have continued to have very nice weather for this time of the year. Nights have been cool and daytime highs about 80 degrees. Farmers have not been harvesting yet as the crops were planted late and they are just not dry enough yet to havest.

We have this summer and fall almost completed putting all our electrical lines on campus under ground. An electrical company from St. Joseph has been doing that and I think they are planning on the switch over now in early October. It will be great to get all those overhead lines down and not have poles breaking on campus when there is a wind or ice storm.

Want to get this on line. God bless each of you and enjoy the nice fall weather.

Don't forget to check out the Conception Abbey web site -- click here and for the oblate blog, then click on "oblates' on the left side of your screen.

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