Sunday, August 7, 2011


Last Tuesday, August 2, I returned from about 9-10 days of vacation and time for visiting relatives and friends. I really enjoyed these days even though the temperature was up to about 100 degrees each day. I got to see many of my relatives who live in the Brunswick, MO area, as well as my brother Harold and his wife Dee in Kansas City. Also, I got to see many old friends who I had known or worked with years ago.

I did not do anything unusual except eat more than I usually do. So many want you to come to eat a meal or they want to take you out to a meal. But, I got lots of rest, went down to the parish church and celebrated Mass either concelebrating with the new pastor, Father Rob Fields, or celebrating the Mass myself when Father Rob was gone.

I came back relaxed and felt like I had a number of leisurely days. My roots certainly go back to this little river town in North Central Missouri. I was born in a farm house there, went to church regularly at the Catholic church there, was baptized there, confirmed there, served many Masses in that church etc., as well as celebrated my first Mass there in 1959.

It seems to me that when we are younger we like to be on the go a lot -- taking trips, going to see things etc. As a result we frequently come back more tired than we were when we left. It seems only as I have gotten older have I learned to relax and to enjoy leisure. Sometimes I just enjoy being alone.

At any rate I am back at work again now. As usual when you are gone for a few days, there is work waiting for you when you return. But, I have gradually gotten caught up.

One of the things I enjoyed when in Brunswick was the "friendship wheel" lunch at the St. Boniface Church Hall. This is a once a month activity. The five churches in Brunswick take turns hosting it on the fourth Wednesday of each month -- skipping December and January. In July it was hosted by the Catholic church. Anyone comes who wishes, each person is asked to leave a $3.00 donation for the meal, although most seem to leave more than that. The Baptist minister and Lutheran pastor were there for this dinner and of course the Catholic pastor. It brings the people together from the different religions. The churches that take part in this are the St. Boniface Catholic church, the Methodists, the Lutherans, the Christians and the Baptists. I enjoyed it very much.

Here at Conception work is proceeding on the new guest house. With the weather so hot the workers have been coming to work as early as 6:00 or 6:30 AM and quitting then about 2:30 PM. That makes sense to me in hot weather.

Our new students start arriving on August 17 so that is not far off.

Some photos: Many of you remember the quaruplets that were born to
one of my grandnephews and his wife in 2009. One
of the boys died a couple days after birth. The other
three are pictured about and seem to be doing well.
They were two years old on July 7

Work proceeds on the new guest house.

While work progresses on the new guest house, windows
are being replaced on the north side of the library

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