Friday, April 27, 2012


After Easter Sunday the students were gone all that week.  It was quiet and enjoyed by all of us I think.  Every day during the Easter Octave and the Christmas Octave we have a little community get together each afternoon at 3:00 PM with snacks and drinks.  Another reason I guess while I find it hard to lose weight.

St. Gabriel Guest House, is completed except for some minor details that appear here and there.  A lot of work has been done on the landscaping and the roads and parking lots.  The dedication of the building will be on Sunday, May 6.  However, they do not think we will be able to start using it until about June 1, since much of the furniture has not yet arrived.  Difficult to use the rooms when there are no beds in place yet.  Here are a couple pictures of the building:
 St. Gabriel Guest House.  
 New roads and parking area and new lights.
Northeast side of the building and  patio

This past Wednesday, April 25, I participated in the observance of National Crime Victims' Rights Week, observed April 22-28 this year.    This was held at Mozingo Park and Lake near Maryville, MO and was sponsored by the Maryville Treatment Center, a part of the Missouri Prison system.  President Reagan designated this special week when he was president.  This was the fourteen such observance held at Maryville and the ninth one in which I have taken part.  To see more about this go to this Maryville Daily Forum website:

Here is a picture taken at the event.  Planting a 
tree in the park.  

A former classmate of mine from back in the early 1950's has been here helping Father Albert with a class for about the last month.  Jim Koch was here at Conception for college, but then left the seminary, got married and raised a family.  He now lives in Austin, Texas.  Originally he was from Hannibal, MO.
Classmates from the early 1950's.  Fr. Kenneth,
Jim Koch and Charles Mattson.  We had just
been out to enjoy a meal together.

Weather has been rather different all this year.  Just two days ago on Wednesday it got up to 91 degrees.  Today it is windy and much, much cooler.  It's difficult to know what to wear when you go outside. 

Finally, I invite you to look at other photos of the St. Gabriel Guest House.  I will take more at the dedication and try to eventually get some more of the inside of the building.

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