Monday, October 29, 2007

Conception Wind Farm

The picture at the left gives some idea of the size of the propellor blades for the new windmill farm that is being erected in our area. This particular windmill will be on a neighboring farm. One of them will be located on the Abbey farm just a little to the east of the monastery and seminary. They are quite large and the tower holding these propellors is quite high. They have some of the windmills set up now but are still working on the one on the abbey farm. For more photos of these go to:

This past Sunday we had our donor appreciation Mass and dinner. There were about 160 people here for this. My brother and his wife were among the guests so I had dinner with them. Also here for this event were Bill and Shirley Saathoff, brother and sister in law of our former Father Alexis. Father Alexis died in 1998. He and I were classmates so I kind of knew his family and enjoyed visiting with them again.

We continue to have some beautiful fall weather with night time temperatures in the 30's but today it is up around 70 degrees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.